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Instagram Marketing Tips – 5 Factors to Consider When Planning Your Instagram Marketing Strategy

Recently launched one of the biggest product updates, Buffer for Instagram, to assist you to plan, manage and amplify your Instagram advertising. This is an exceptional tool to help you build a killer Instagram advertising campaign for your company. In this brief article, we are going to take a look at four factors to consider when planning your strategy to amplify your Instagram advertising. By the time you have finished reading this article, you will have an insight into how you can use these factors to increase your revenue. Read this article to get an insight into this marketing strategy.

Engagement level:

The first and one of the main factors to consider is the engagement level. By determining your Instagram followers and the number of people who have ‘liked’ your page you can determine the overall engagement level. Keep in mind that if you have a large following or plenty of likes, you will be able to generate more sales from your promotions.

Best time to post:

The second factor to consider is the best time to post. Based on your Instagram engagement level and the number of people, who have ‘liked’ your page, determine the best time to post depending on your market and potential customers.

Social listening:

The third factor to consider is social listening. If you are using a social listening tool such as Facebook’s like or Tweet, consider what your target audience is listening to or talking about. For example, if there is a heavy discussion on Instagram about water heating devices, your target audience may not be looking for information on the latest models, but they may be interested in the latest trends and energy-saving tips that are being shared around the internet. This is a great opportunity for you to include links and content about these topics that will be interesting to your followers or those who ‘like’ your page.

Connecting with your fans:

The fourth factor to consider is connecting with your followers or fans. The easiest way to do this is through popular hashtags. If you include popular hashtags on your Instagram marketing in Abu Dhabi, you are sure to reach a large number of followers and even Instagram fans.

A clear vision of your brand:

The fifth and final factor to consider is to create a clear vision for your brand. If you are unsure of what type of image or product you want to portray through your Instagram marketing strategy then it is best to draw out a rough sketch. Be sure to think of everything from your logo to your tags and Instagram photos.